Grossy school!
I had a terrible day at that horrid-helly school.
The air conditioner didn't work at all.It was killing-hot!The class was much like hell.
I couldn't concentrate and i was perspiring and vexed.
we paid so much for the school fee,and this is what we get?
Today's lesson:
kimia:i was having hard times in understanding the materials.I couldn't concentrate at all.I was like laying on the table and did the worksheet without analysing it further!*hving probs with HER!
fisika:wanting the test paper to be shared,but CORRECTIONS hasn't been done yet.Did a few exercises.
matematika:well,kinda brightened up.I enjoyed doing tonnes of worksheet.More and more.I love it!Time flew=)
Sejarah:we had an outdoor class .But,a few fellas and i were watching the football and didn't pay attention to what Pak Agus told us.So,we pissed him off in the end.15mins before the class ended,he closed the book and walked away.Was he furious?Feel so sorry='(
P.E:didn't exercise at all.The boys played soccer and occupied the field.
Biologi:didn't even open the book.We just chatted with B.Ria.
karate:did some basic stretchings.We had to hold our breath and locked our stomach,and shimpai punched it.*what a funny training!
Watched Fann Wong and Christopher Lee's wedding.
How I wished i could attend their wedding too!
Komsel.Only 5 of us.
We had a short sharing and went for supper.
I ate a bowl of miso and es gunung.
Very full=)
the miso didnt taste good ,but the es gunung,i love it!
I'm bushed,and sleepy.Gonna turn in earlier tonight!
Goodnight readers.
28.09.09-school starts!
Yey yey.
School has started today.
Woke up at 6.55,in case i was late for the 1st day to school.
Not really excited,i still wanted to make the holiday longer.*sigh.
Anyway,i was late on the 1st day.
The headmaster was preaching in front of the students there.
Gosh!He's always good in babbling useless speechs.
Every students loathe to hear it,I'M Sure!Cos am one of them!
Always those historic school rules.Hair,belt,tidiness,study harder.The worst news:'Mid-term tests will be in 3weeks time!'
Today's lessons:
Matematika:i'm lovin' it.Time flew cos i enjoyed doing those sin,cos,tan!They're my friends;pp
Kimia:45 mins?*sigh.Still the same teacher,so lame!The test will be on next week,while i still don't get the point of the materials.
PKN:this subject bored me to the limit.Couldn't stand it.The teacher's always fun but the contents of PKN are....depriving!
Biologi:asking for the test paper to be shared yet b.Ria told us,she hasn't finished the correction?WHAT!?!
Library:went for a coffeebreak in the library.Did a lot of gossipings there=p
art:i slept.
Vocabulary:i didn't bring the book,so i just sat there and listened.
Blogging now.
Damn bored!Nothing to do.
Statistic test tomorrow.Can hardly put myself into it,the book's heavy enough to put off my spirit.*lame excuse.
My friends're practising drama in the church,too bad,i didn't join them.
*bored to death!
Gaining some fat.My skirt gets tighter.Hahas.
Foods are haunting my mind!
Mcdonald burger,martabak,jco donuts,breadtalk cheesecake,,,nyam nyam nyam!
Goodnight world.
I feel like screaming aloud.
Heard something about someone.
Truth always hurts.
I can't believe my ears.
Totally disappointed with Him.
He's a friend of mine.I'd always liked his wisdom,his charism,he inspired me a lot with his intelligence.But who knows he's such a LOSER!FAILURE!Noob!
A few months ago,we had a talk.He was in need for money.He made up a story,bla bla bla...He needed to pay a debt to his friend and would need rp. ?.000.000,-
he seemed so deprived and was driven to the end.At that time,i wished so much that i could help him,lent him the money.I even thought of asking my mum for it..But...
It was all his big lie!
I've learnt about his true self.He's smart.He tried to win my sympathy.What a good story-teller you are!Two-thumbs up for you,jerk!
You stole and you acted innocent.Your wisdom has covered your wickness!
You bragged!Yes,your words did inspire me a lot,you taught me how to look further,to catch my dream.
But!Hell you,scumbag!
Your wisdom means nothing to me now!
You lied to me!Gosh.I was such a big fool,stupidly believed that you're pathetic,stupidly agreed with your words,stupidly tried to symphatize you!But,now...
I don't trust anyone just so easily,but,...You failed my trust to you!
Goodness sake.I'm vexed.It hurts!
Went to church.
Went for a 'sumptuous' feast with churchmates.
Went to BCS for a 'meeting'.
Saw ferra,ying,and yanto.
Met leo chandra,hartono and ruslan in coffeetown.
Met a-chan and alfa too.
Went to cybercafe,uploaded more pics to the previous posts.
I'm bushed.Vexed.Devastated.Disappointed.
God.You teach me something today.Don't judge a book by its cover.
School starts tomorrow.Holiday comes to an ending.
A memorable holiday.
Hello books!I'm here for you.Will learn to love you.
I was out for 15 hours!
Woke up at 07:00am,Feya called to wake me up.
Then went to Robin's house to join Feya and Octra.
*laughs.Finally got to meet Robin's mum.A young woman with thick black hair.
Didn't talk much.
The four of us hailed a cab to church.
Gosh.We're late for 10 minutes.
The second day of POD was a long one to go.
It started at 8 and ended at around 3:50pm.
I had a packet of chicken rice and a char siew paw.
thumbs up!this chicken rice tastes good!

Haha.Anyway,the whole session was quite fun.
Found that i belong to the Dominant type one.I'm cut out to be a leader!Haha.
Met a new kid there.Her name is Theresia,everyone called her Qingqing(her chinese name).
Back from the church,went to BCS for a while.
Feya bought some snack to bring back home.Well...He went back to Tanjung Pinang today.
Octra too.Robin also went back for 2 days.
Went to the cybercafe and uploaded some pics again to the previous posts.The internet there was so LAME!
Went home at around 6pm.
Bathed and out again.
Went to LA CRUISE for the church fellowship night.
Haha.New friends!
It's my 1st meeting with Yingying.
1st impression:She's pretty!Quite emo-fashioned.And 1 thing is,SHE'S SO SOFT SPOKEN,very feminine,unlike Me!
Very happy to meet her.Haha...
She introduced her friend,Ferra,to me.Hy Ferra!Nice to meet you too.
Well,i ate a lot just now.4 pieces of cake,and a medium plate of rice with mixed potatoes.Thanks to Djeddy!Haha.
We watched a romance called 'Fire Proof'.I didnt really pay attention to the movie.
Talked a lot with Shirley.
Met Kali there.He was celebrating his friend's birthday party there.
The fellowship ended at around 10:45pm.
Luckily,a kind young lady,named...Nachen?
offered to send me home.THANK YOU SISTA!
I rushed to my room and charged my phone.
Cos i was preparing something.
It's my buddy's lunar birthday today!(this time is real!)*lol.
Well.Sent him a 'long' message to wish him a happy birthday.
Wish you great!
Then...Goodnight World!
I'm bushed.
25.09.09 i hate 'liang teh'(cooling tea)>,<
it's 23:20.
i just bathed.
i was busy for the whole day.*bluff.
woke up at 09:45am this morning.
a weird breakfast.
I drank pure honey.Mum said that it's a good supplement for my body.*i've been consuming kinds of vitamin and nutritious foods recently*
i also had porridge with salted-ikan bilis.Slurrpp...
Lunch:porridge+ikan bilis.*the same menu=)
I had a funny experience today.
At around 2:30pm,i went out with Robin to look for cooling tea-'Liang te'.
He has a sore throat and seemed quite sick.
I promised him to drink the Liang Te with him if he also drank.
So we went to 'Toko Obat Sentosa' and bought 3 bags of liang te(2 bitter,1 sweet).
Went to Robin's house.
Feya was watching the 'Boys Before Flowers'.
And you know what,i had a hard times trying to force myself to drink the Liang te.

It was super duper hyper bitter!Dammit!
I spent about a hour to finish it.
That was a very bitter experience for me!
The worst thing was,Robin finished up the sweet Liang Te and left me with the bitter one.T.T
Back Here!
Sri texted me and said that she'd go to Nh first to meet Chika.
Around 4pm,feya,robin and I,hailed a cab and went to NH.
We first went to Gadeno.
Well,window-shopping again.Looked all around.
Frankly speaking,i'm getting sick of NH,i've been there for umpteen times this month.
We then went to Godiva for lunch.
Ordered a double set lunch.
I also ate something new today.
A kind of japanese food,something like omelette and fishball.
I think it's called Tomu...yaki and
japanese crab-balls!
*can't never rmb japanese well.sigh.
Anyway,the stall is located beside Yogen Crepes in NH.
The japanese omelette tastes superb!
Oishi ne!
The toppings are mayonnaise,black sauce and spinach.
You should try it!There're many different tastes.Original,crab,chicken,prawn,oyster.
A severe unhappy thing took place just now.
A friend of mine was kinda pulling a long black face when we were having good times.
Can't really understand women's minds sometimes,
eventhough am a woman myself.We joked and laughed,while she kept mum.When we asked her what's wrong,she only answered :'nothing.I'm fine'.
Gosh.Women are the weirdest creatures.
Hard to understand,hard to be satisfied.
I'm a woman myself.Hoping that i'm not that kind of 'woman'!
Then,around 6.30pm,we hailed a cab and went to church.
It's POD time.
The session was brought by Kak James.
Talked about how to realise our destiny which God has set for us.
Another 5 sessions tomorrow.*wondering if i will doze off during the talk tomorrow.
Went to Astro for supper with Feya,Robin,Octra and his family.
I ordered a plate of kwetiauw.*yummy.
Mum beeped me when i was eating.*scary*
luckily,she didn't nag at me when i was home,considering those 'valid' reasons that i gave her;))
Another new friend texted me today.Got to know him from facebook,nver met before.
I asked him to go for tomorrow's night party in La Cruise and he offered to fetch me up.
Well.Still thinking whether i should say Yes.But...It's our 1st meeting anyway,probably will say No.You'll never know what'll happen next.Better be more cautious.;)
a chinese proverb:"bu pa yi wan,zhe pa wan yi".Haha.*bad han yu pin ying.
My aunt gave me a big angpao today.*rich!
She always has many reasons to give me money.
Feel bad to take her money everytime.T.T
Anyway,thank you Auntie:))God bless you abundantly.
A long hard day is waiting for me tomorrow.Gotta rush to the church before
08:00am for the POD (can say hello to Mr.Sun) and La Cruise party in the night;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HANUNG,MY DEAREST CLASSMATES.and tomorrow,it's Robin's lunar-birthday!
Too bad,can't celebrate it with you cos you'll be going back to your hometown!
Haha.Wish you lucks,buddy!Good night readers.
Sweet dreams=)
24.09.09-what a dull day!
I'm home.
Just got back from the cybercafe.Nothing to do,just killing spare times.
Gosh.I met an irritating chap just now.
A guy named Hendi.
He ever wooed me before,but,for goodness sake, i won't accept a guy like him eventhough you kill me!*sigh.
I dislike his habits.
He came and smelt of cigarette.*sick.
Well,that's fine.
But,you know what,he even offered one to a kid there.
Dammit!Hell...How could he do such a shameless thing?
He brings harm to himself and even tried to harm an innocent kid?Cruel!
Can't stand it.
I chose to stay away and went home.
When i was home,he walked by,holding a burning cigarette on his right hand!What for?Showing off,is it?You think it's cool,don't you???I WILL TELL YOU,IT'S ABSOLUTELY NOT COOL BUT DULL!
How i really hate it!
But...Whatever it is,i still have to love them(smokers) but HATE THEIR HABITS!
some prefer a smoker to be their other half,as they think it's cool,but BOYS,hear me!
If you're a smoker,get yourself at least a mile away from me!
Ok.Back here!
Woke up at 9 this morning.
Mooncake for breakfast.*mooncake festival's coming soon.
Fried beehoon for lunch.
Seafood for dinner(hopefully,nothing bad will happen this time).
Didn't do much thing today.
Took a short nap.
Robin&Feya came in the noon.
Sri also joined us.
She came to return me the shoes and i invited her for a seat.Hahaha.
Something hilarious yet serious happened.
Can you imagine how a guy like Robin could actually raise up his voice against a girl?
Sri was blaming him for a severe thing,and Robin couldn't control his emotions and ended up arguing.
The situation was very tense.
Haha.But this silly buddy of mine still knew to apologize in the end.
At very least,he felt guilty over his wrongdoings.
I watched 'The Wedding' on chn8 just now.
Fann Wong's wedding is perfect!
She has been dating with Min sun for 9 years and will get married on this 29th Sept.Wow.
Hao xing fu!Very blissful=)
how i wish i can be like them!=)
someone told me to get a 9yrs-9mnths-9 days boyfriend .I WISH!But,it's like wishing for a falling star!Do this kind of guy still exist?Haha.*just a wishful thinking part of mine!
Wish them a blissful marriage anyway!Live to old age=)
uhm.Am getting excited for tomorrow's POD(POWER OF DESTINY).Gotta know more about the real me!=)
chatted with my Piaojie,Vera,last night.
Wish them happy too=)
Yingying texted me just now.*quite surprised.
Will be meeting her this Saturday in LaCRUISE.
that's all.
Good night world.
23.09.09-hanging out in black&white!;)
Hello everyone;)
I woke up at 11am this morning,too late for saying hello to Mr.Sun!
Milo+biscuits for breakfast.
Around 12.30,i went to Astro to buy a packet of char siew rice for mummy.*i hadn't taken a bath-filthy me.*
after buying,i went to Ama's house for lunch.Fish Porridge.Yummy;)
back home.
Robin&Feya came to my house.
I went to bath.
Haha.They waited me for about 30minutes.*sorry.Every women make men wait...xixi.
We went to BCS.
Octra and his brother were waiting there.
Still rmb octra?The pointed-nose guy that i mentioned.
Well.He was there too.
We went for a window shopping again.*laughs.
Decided to go to Hockey for arcade games.
We ended up playing basketball.Gosh.
Stupid me.I couldn't even pass the 1st round.Only 40-50 points.--"
So depriving!
After the games,another friend joined us.She's Okta*i think that's her name.
Then i bought a big pack of pink cotton candy.*yummy.
Couldn't finish it alone.
I asked my buddy to share it with me.Haha.
Then we went to Monic.
Bfore that,i bought a burger to pacify my 'little' stomach.;)
while waiting for the burger,i met budi and friends.I saw Ani,budi,danny,valen,and the others.
Haha.Only waved hands to say Hi.
You know what,i was with Robin that time.
Gosh.They must have thought that Robin's my 'ehem ehem'.
Can't help it.
*Enough of that*
then,off to Monic.
Room Num 15.
We sang a lot.
Most of them are Jay's song.
After the ktv-ing.
Octra and his lil' brother went back.
Whereas,robin,feya,okta and I went to Coastarina.*again?Haha.
The car entry fee is really expensive.
we didn't play anything inside.We're only taking a stroll,cos it's damn crowded inside.
I managed to take some pics,but not really good.
In fact,i dropped Robin's cellphone.*thousands sorry,buddy;)
i left some scars on your phone.
*damn guilty;-(
How careless of me!

Then,we went to Obonk for dinner.
Love obonk so much.
The foods there are cheap&tasty!
Went home at around 8pm.
Whooaa...Mummy beeped me twice.*sigh.
2nd round.
Ate a lot of mummy's steamed fish.
bathed.went to cybercafe.
blog updating again.
Tagged two more new friends.
Lia and Yny=)
I saw my cousin with his gf pics.
So sweet.
Haha.I really envy them so much.
My cousin's really a romantic guy.
*pray that you both will lead a blissful dating to marriage=)
Btw,seems that my buddy's sick.
He complained of feeling dizzy.
Take good care of your health,man!
21.09.09-nothing special.
Woke up at 10 this morning.
Brushed my teeth and went to Ama's house again for brunch(breakfast+lunch).
I ate chicken wings + rice.Yummy.Love it ;€
after eating,i went home.
Back home,started to become a maid.
Washed the dishes,swept and mopped the floor.Really tiring ._.
Can't help it.Mum'll surely nag me if i didnt do the chores.
After that,i went to the cybercafe,only a few steps away from my house.
Shoo...I changed my blog's skin and updated lotsa pics to the previous post.
Around 12.30,went home.
The weather's quite hot.
So,i took a nap.
When i woke up,Mum and lil bro were home.
Yuhuu.But that irritating fella really annoyed me!
Gosh.We bickered a lot!We kicked up a fuss over severe things.*dammit*
enough of that!
Took a bath.
Around 5.30pm,Robin came to my house and return me the bible.We chatted for a while.Talked about his ESC's experience.I bet he cried a lot.Haha.*crybaby...Anyway,i also cried a lot last time.
He went back.
Around 7.15,went to Komsel(komunitas Sel)-church community.
Robin came with Feya.Haha.Finally met him.1st impression's an interesting fella.
We joked a lot.Also with Elvi.
Went to Alex's house.
Tiring.I was sweaty.
At 9.00 pm,went home.
We dropped off in top 100 for a supper.
Roadstall again!--"
i ordered ayam penyet.
It tasted bad.Didn't eat much.
Haha.I kept on eating Robin's satay.
Who cares.Didn't really need to feel awkward with him ;)
around 10pm,went home.
robin and feya stayed in my house till 11pm.We talked a lot.Haha.Robin kept bullying me!*sigh!What a ingrateful buddy...;+(
they went home.
and now...Am laying on my sweet bed.Blogging on phone.
it's Tuesday!
School starts in 5 days.
Haha.Finally,someone texted me.
Good Night everyone.
Sleep tight ;8
21.09.09-It's midnight showtime.
Shoo...Finally,i'm back.
it's 2.19am in the morning.
I've nver been back this late before.If mum knows,she'll blow up for sure.*sigh...
The first part of today was damn boring.I woke up at about 7am to switch off the lamp and continued my sleep.
Woke up again at 9.50 and lazed till 10.30,and went to Ama's house for breakfast.
Went home.
I slept again.
Till 2pm.
Feya texted me.But i was still half-aslept.
Lazed till 3 to 4 pm,woke up and texted him back.He almost arrived in Batam.
After replying his sms,i went back to my princess-sleep*as if*
i planned to do the house-chores*mum told me must do it*, just too lazy for that.
I dozed off till 5pm,and i'm finally awoke.
I went out and cleaned the floor.
Took a bath(the 1st bath today),and went to Ama's house again for dinner.
What a spread!Ama cooked fried chicken's wings.Yummy.I ate a lot.
Then went home.
My phone was left untouched.
Nobody texted me,nobody asked me out,nobody reminded for to dine.
I went to minimart to buy credits for my Axis card...
Went home.Online.Chatted with Joen for a while.
Facebook-ing again and again.*lame.
Bored and bored.
Luckily,at around 7,Jacky texted me.
He asked me whether i wanted to join him to Happy Puppy.
*damn thrilled!My answer was definitely a 'YES'!=)
Finally,got a saviour to rescue me out from the cage.
At about 8.20pm,he came and picked me up.
Inside his car were K'Marlina,K'fitri and K'eni.
Off to Happy Puppy.
Robby and Antonio were there already.
Happy Puppy-ing.
Room 303.Spent 2 hours inside.Widi came too.
I sang a lot today.
Including 1 mandarin song,Cai Hong by Jay.
Everyone sang,except Antonio.
We spent about 230k for that.Each forked out 30k and the rest was paid by Jacky*so good of you;)*
it's 11.30 when we got back from Happy Puppy.
Marlina,fitri and eni went back.
Jacky,Roby,Widi,Antonio and I went for a supper in a roadside stall near Lippo Bank.(in front of NH).
*sh#t.I was wondering whether the foods there are hygienic or not.Anyway the table was dusty.Yucks...I had to clean it with tissues for times.;d
ordered ayam goreng+rice+es jeruk.
Very yummy.But not really full.;>(greedy me)...
After eating,we chatted for an hour to two.
Talked lotsa things.They told me their stories in Pulau Pelandok.*dunno where's that.But it seems quite fun although there're some unhappiness inside.
Also talked about our experience in ESC.
Talked till 2am.
Finally,too tired to continue.
And Jacky brought me back.Haha.*thank you.
It's 2.43 now.
Huamm...Quite sleepy.
Tomorrow still have to wake up early to do the chores.
Mum and lil bro will be back tomorrow.
Pray that tomorrow'll be better,not as boring as today.
Good Night and...
Good morning.
Sweet dreams ;)
20.09.09-Meet New friends.HOME ALONE PART I
I woke up at 6.30am this morning.Gotta rush to the church for the 7.30 am service.
The first thing i did was praying and after that,i rang Robin to wake him up cos he would be my driver.
Breakfast today:2 boiled eggs*sick of it*.
7.05am,he came.Before going to the church,we went to Penuin for a breakfast.We ordered 2 plates of chicken rice.
looks yummy!

I met Aunt Susan-mum's bestie there.
About 7.50,we set off to the church.Although we were late,but still could make it for the SPK GRADUATION CEREMONY.
It ended at 9.30am.
We were thinking of going to Mcdonald for the spicy Chicken Burger but it was closed,so we both went home.
Eating instant noodles+fishball.Cooked by Chef Jcy.=)

it tasted quite good.*praising myself*
At about 1pm,we went to the church again,for the Youth service.
At 3pm,the service ended.We had a short briefing,then we went to BCS.
My main purpose there was to meet a girl named Chrisna.My friend has been having a crush on this girl.But when we were about to arrive in BCS,they were about to leave for NH.*Sigh.But i still dropped off in BCS for a short 5 minutes to go to the loo for pee-pee.*lol.
Then we went to NH.
The first new friend i met there was Octra-a pointed-nose guy who is about 1.8m tall.I was really amazed by his nose,very pointed up.
Then i met the others.They were all Robin's churchmates in Tanjung Pinang.
There were Chrisna-a beautiful smoothed-skin teen(19),Debora,Agustina,and Elen(boy).
We went for a window shopping.
Then about 4.55pm,we went to Solaria for a meal.Yummy...
We met K'fitri and K'Eni there.
This time,i ordered a big plate of Fried Bihun.Slurrpp,,,
after the meal,we went home.
It was about 6pm.
Back home,the first thing to do was laying on the bed.I was really beat.
After waking up,i took a bath.
Today's 20.09.09.
But nothing special happened at 20:09pm.*sigh.But...Oops...Yeah!
My cousin,Chandra, brought me a good news.
He told me that he planned to confess his love to a girl named Vera today at 20:09.
He has been carrying a crush on this girl for about a month or two.And on this special 20.09.09,he booked a table in Hotel Pelangi(tanjung pinang) and prepared a romantic candlelight dinner.Wow...He made it!
The first message that he texted me:"Congratulations,,Finally,you have a sis-in-law."
Wow.Great.Awesome.Bing!Finally...Nice Bro.Love You Bro.Hahaha.I was really happy for him.
Enough about that.
At about 21.15,Feya texted me. I asked him when he will come to Batam.And we chatted about Chrisna=)
At about 22.15,Robin came to borrow my bible for Elen(cos he didn't bring it).And you know what,he brought me a Spicy Chicken Burger.Another Go!Yummy.
While eating,i told him about the preparation to ESC(Excellent Servant Camp).*sigh.
Quite disappointed that i can't join this camp.Eventhough i signed up for it,but i wasn't chosen.
well.Home alone tonight and tomorrow's night.Sigh....
Nothing to do.
Btw,i read a facebook status update just now.And i was totally fed up by it.How could a person say that he/she has never been happy for their whole lifetime?
Gosh!Didn't they aware that they're much more blessed that a lot of people out there who couldn't have a nice meal or wearing nice clothes like they do!Fed up!
Feel like blowing up!
Well.That's all.
Pagi ni bngun jam 9.30,ckup siang.Haha.
Then bring2 bntr,ampe jam 10lwt br kluar kamar.Mkan.
Trus diomelin mama gara2 lemari buku brantakan.
Parah.Knpa lemari ku slalu brantakan?Hufh.Rasanya buku aku tuh banyak bnget?Pdahal,i hate books >,<>
messy enough?

jam 4an gtu,coastarina!
Uhm.Main Giant Wheel!
ini tiketnya.Rp.15000/tiket for 20 minutes
inside the Giant Wheel
Gila...Serem abis.Tp lmayan la,akhrnya dah gak gt tkut tinggi.
Hahaha.Penasaran kn aku pg ama sapa?
Fiuh.Sapa lg klo bkan Robin cum bestie(cewk?) cum sobat trbaik aku.Haha.
Makhlum,cm dia yg bs diajk kemana2.Klo bosn,tinggal call dia de.
Hoho.Pas di dlm Giant Wheel,tman Robin tlpon.Nama tmannya tuh,uhm,Rico.Haha.Ksian tmannya,di abandon ama pcr nya.Pcr nya sbuk jln ama tman2nya n lupain dia.Ksian jg rico.Aih2...
Td smpat ngmg ama rico lwt tlpon jg c,ajk dia ke coastarina jg.Huehue.
Then,jln keliling coastarina deh.
Bnyk fto2.

Mantp jg bro aku yg 1 ini,mayan hebt dlm photography.Td bnyk blajr dr dia cra pngambilan sudut pemotretan.Syangnya,pk kamera hp,hslnya krg optimal.*sigh...
Pngen bli kamera yg $3000.WOW,..!
Di coastarina smpat hujan c,untung gk deras.
Anyway,seru deh tadi.Aplg gk gt rame.Jd bs sntai jlnnya.
To Robin:bro,laen kali ke situ bwa cewk kmu,biar jln nya lbi enk.Hahas.I will pray for you.Mudah2an cpt ktmu ms.right nya!
Uhm.Jam 7 gt mau ke MM.Mau beli cheesecake Breadtalk.Tp gk jd.Fiuh.Tmpt parkirnya rame banget.
Jdinya plg deh.Hmpr kesasar waks.Ntah jaln apa itu.Lewat Beverly.Ngeri ui...
But finally,we made it.Sblum plg rmh,pg ke Mcd centrepoint.Bli Spicy Chicken Burger,then buru2 plg deh,bisnya Robin mau pg rmh tante nya BBQ.
Plg rmh,lsg istirahat bntr.Ntn BBF.
Mandi.Pg mkan di rmh nenek.
Hbs mkan,plg rmh,minum susu.I can't resist myself over the chocolate milk,jd lsg slurrpp dah...Enk nya.
Haha.Then ntn wo cai cai cai.
And now,i'm blogging.
Gonna upload many new pics soon.
Btw,senin gak jd ikt ESC.So,it gonna be a damn long week for this holiday.
Bsk harus ikt ibadah pagi,jam 7.30 waks!Gosh...Bs bngun gk ya?Fiuh...
Dah deh.Mau ntn dl.Then tdr.Oia,doa and saat teduh.
Good night everyone=)
18.09.09-i love Singapore!
I woke up at 6.15am this morning.
Pagi banget.
Mandi.Mkan.Lsg ke btm center.
Book kapal Ocean Flyte(Wavemaster) yg jam 8.10.
uhm.Di pelabuhan,ada nampak shervy with her boyfriend.Uhm.Wondering if she knows me.Anyway,envy bnget ama mrka,ke SG berduaan.Haha.
Then.Msuk kapal.

Nyampe sg,pg bli bkpau dlu.
Lsg buru naik taxi ke Mount elizabeth hospital.
I spent $8.80 for the taxi fare.
Wah.Akhrnya nyampe jg.
Mt.Elizabeth tuh letaknya di pusat Orchard Road.Goshh...Skali turun,lsg nampk toko branded smua.Ouh man.Tp gk bs lama2,lsg msk hospital.
Naik ke lantai 12,cr dokternya,di blok #09.
Skali msuk,lsg dtnyain npa2,then lsg msk 1 room kcil.
Haha.Bdan aku ditempeli dgn button2 gak jelas.Geli waks~
untg cm mau di ambl heartbeat report nya aja.Then ktmu dokter.Dokternya cewk,rmbt pndek,brkcamata,chinese,dan agk tua.Muka nya dh bnyk wrinkles.
Teng teng teng...Mulai.First question:english or mandarin?
Aku lsg jwb,'English will be better'.Haha.
Gila aja kl pk mandrin,aku mau ngmg apa?
Spanjang consultation,pke english smua.*untg aku ngrti dkternya ngmg apa.Ditnya ini itu.Then...Dicek blood pressure nya,and my spines were knocked.(totally blank,what was that for?)
hbs tu,dokter nya blg,dia suspect aku ada radang di kelenjar tiroid,ktanya klo emg iya,hrus on medication for at least a year.
Gosh.Tkut bnget.
Jd diambl dlu darahnya.
my hand
Wah.This is what i hate most.Sakit!Gila.Jarumnya...Panjang.Aku triak,ampe the whole clinic,dgr de.Haha.
Then,pg mkan dl.
Di Lucky Plaza(yg di sg,bkan btam.).Aku pesan bubur ikan+ayam+telur.Ntah apa la dlmnya,totl $3.00.
Mkan.Then pg jln2.Gk enk la malnya.Bosn.
Jam 2.00 gt,blik,ambl report.Tgu ampe hmpr jam 3.00,bru kluar reportnya.Wah.Deg2an...Msuk ke ruangan...
this is the waiting room
The doctor smiled and said:'ok,there's nothing wrong with your tyroid or your heart.'yeyyy.Aku lsg trsnyum.XD
Kta dokter,aku bs gt,krna mgkn recently under too much stress,ato krn skit flu atau batuk.Whatever la tuh.Yg pntg,bkan heart attack!Bkan anemia!Bkan radang kelnjr tiroid!*happy!
Dksh obt.Buat control heartbeat.
The medicine only costs $3.00,but,the consultation fee+bloodtest+heartbeat check up costs:$250!
Slurrp...Rp.1.750.000,trbang gt aja.
Tp,yg pntg,i'm fine.Dh brsyukur bnget.
Lsg jln2 bntar di Orchard.
Ngiler liat Dior,D&G,chanel,CK,mont blanc,Guess,Prada,Esprit,Gucci....Kyaaa...Branded smua.Pngen msuk,tp...No $$...

Sudah la.
Lsg k bus stop.On the way ke bus stop,nampk 1toko,'House Of Condom.'.Warna toko nya blink2 gt,keg nightclub.
Only above 21 br blh msuk.Hihi.Sudah kuduga,itu toko apa.
Dah ah.Bustop.Tnggu bus 143 buat ke harbour front.
Msuk bus.
Nikmati scene di skitar.Ada lwat clarke quay.*pngen pergi.
Ampe di harbour front,IT'S SHOPPING TIME!haha.Ama aunt aku jln2,cr bju yg lg sale.Aku dibliin tas ransel wrna merah.Murah bnget!Ctk lg!Only $9.90.
Then ak sndri bli dress wrna hijau gt,only $10.00.
Pas mau naik ke atas,ktmu Tanti.She's my piao jie.Dia ama 1 cowk.Haha.
Cie cie.
Then jln,jaln,jalan...Uhm...
Pda lg sale.Tp,dompet dh tipis,jd ya keep myself dah.
Then pg mkan laksa,bli bakpau lg.
Jam 5.55 gt,siap2 plg dah.Boarding jam 6.00.
Rame bnget.
Haha.Tp,yg pst,jaln sharian penuh gitu,1 ekor cowk cakep pun gk ada!Ouh man!
di kapal.Cpek bnget.
Pas mau keluar,nampk 1 cewk.I know her since i was in primary 6.Different school.I met her in a comp.
But,she's too arrogant.Mls snyum ama dia.
Dl pnh ktmu,ak snyum,tp dcuekin.Kali ini,nyerah deh.Drpd aku malu sndiri.
Then,plg rmh.
Lsg bk hp,online Ym .Then fb.
Pas Ym,cht ama bnyk org.
Feya,ko Jekki,Joen,dra,budi,ricky,jane,santo,wendy,ko sam,djeddy.Haha.V.I.P smua.
Uhm.Chat ama feya seru bnget.Ngmgin soal hubungan.Haha.Old topic.
Ama santo jg ngmgin itu.
Tiba2,jd mkin realise sesuatu.Jgn trlalu cpt trbawa asmara.Your feelings may not always be right.Uhm...Memang blum siap to go into a relationship.Lum wktunya.
Mau jd lbi dewasa dlu.
Gk cmburu,gk egois,bs trima dia apa adanya,n yg plg pntg 'TRUST.'klo aku bs kuasai smua itu,that will be the right time to ask God:'who's gonna be my Mr.Right?'haha.
Untk skarang,tetp jga komitmen.
Td ada yg tnya aku,tipe cowk yg aku mau?
Haha.Kembali brtanya di hati.
Aku pngen yg...Seiman,older than me,dewasa dlm rohani,pnya jiwa kepemimpinan,gk lengket,degil,humoris.Haha.Gk ngrti dah.Yg plg pntg,dia org yg ditetpkn Tuhan untk aku.
Gk mau hbsin wktu buat hubungan yg ujungnya putus.Cos i know myself,once i fall,it's hard for me to get up.I love with all my heart.
Hehe.Sbnrnya,envy ama tman aku yg lg fall in love.Good luck ya bebs.!Good luck jg buat Dia!
Bro,ciayou!Haha.Candlelight dinner di taman!Haha=)ingt sms aku klo brhsl.Aku dkung dlm doa.
Btw,diajk tante ke pinang bsk.Tp...
Gk bs ikt.Pdhl mrk bsk mlm mau BBQ.Snin ESC.excited for it.
Besok?Moga2 jadi.
Hahaha.Kegnya bnyk yg mau aku bagi ke sobat,tp dia nya lg sibuk bnget.Fiuh.Kpn slesai laporan dia?
Haha.Anyway,all the best dah.
17.09.09-wonderful hangouts with my beloved classmates
Hari ini,di sekolah lumayan santai.Krn dh mau lbur,guru2 jg cing cai.
Fiuh.Today is the 3rd day of medication.Obt dr sinshe itu gk ada guna.Heartbeat aku tetp cepat bnget.
Plg dr skul,mum lsg blg ama aku,'bsk ke spore,udah didaftarin buat checkup di Elisabeth Hospital'.
Nver thought that it gonna be this serious.
Aku tampil tenang,pdahal di dlm hati,aku takut bnget.
I tried to look up for some medical cases on the internet,but none is identical like mine.
Jam 2 gt,tdur siang.Kepalaku sakit bnget.
Jam 4an bngun,mandi.Kepalaku msh skit,lsg mkan obt.
Pg cek pulse rate lg.
110/67.Heartbeat:111.Waw.Heart attack?
Gak ngrti jg de.Tman mama blg,hrus cpt2 cek ke dokter.T.T
jam 5.15,jln ama jane ke bcs.Ketemu Risman.Haha.Long time no see.Sikapnya yg nyebelin tetp gk berubh.Pg kfc bntr,trus ke stand nya Ferdi.Di depan BCS.Ada budi jg.Then aku beli barley,jane beli cincau.
Hbis tu...Huhuy.

Pada uda ngumpul.Tp syg,gk ada K'jum.
Here are our pics in Warung Pasta.
most of them were taken by me!=)

kyaa...can't see blur~
you can see me in this pic:)

Then pesan makan.Aku pesan Meat Lovers pke fettucini.Rasanya...Uhm.Hmpr sama keg spagetti di Pizza Hut.Tp porsinya,agk kurang c.
Kita ber-11 hbsin Rp.231.000,-
Sblm ke bcs,kt fto2 d dpn warung pasta.
2-science Class

Let's cross it!(taken by:JCY)

Nyampe di BCS ,

lsg ke Yogen Crepes.Pada lum knyang c.
figuring out which ones to buy...(justi,ruby,david)

Hbs tuh,lsg ke Monic.
otw to Monic.
ps:i almost fell off the ground while trying to snap this pic!

Justi-our Chairman of the Class...*laughs

inside the lift
( eyebags!)

Pesan Vip room num 20.
Per jam 60rb.
Di dlmnya...Weizh.Heboh bnget.
justi sang with passion...*lol

a big family...

science class's dudes or 'duda' instead...=)

jane,tandrian and I

Nyanyi lgu gk jelas.
Rhoma irama,5566.Haha.Yg jd superstarnya dwiki!Dia bs nyanyi lgu 5566 yg 'wo nan guo' dan
'wu shuo wei'.Trus hanung nyanyi lgu india:'kucek kucek ho ta he'.Pkokna gila deh.
Dwiki sang 'wo nan guo'

i sang too....(Last Christmas)

lagu Rhoma Irama:'Judi'

MJ's You are not Alone

Then,kt pg jln.
Keluar dr monic,nampk elvi,alex,hertanto ama axiong di coffeetown.Hehe.Sorry y,aku gk bs ikt pertemuan komsel.
Uhm...Hbs tuh,jalan2....Haha.
Then,aku ke xtreme.Upload fto ke fb dan blog.Then...Jam 10 gt plg deh.
Nih ampe rmh,lsg update blog lg.
Mlm ini dingin bnget.
Pst enk tdurnya.
Btw...Bsk,aku bkal ke Singapore.Sjujurna,aku gk excited sama skali.
Aku tkut...Tkut dgn hsl check up bsk.Pst hrus ambl darah >,<
ksian mama.Dia khawatir bnget.Tp...I know,i have a Super Dad cum God!
Tuhan Yesus...Jaga aku.Aku tau,semua nya akan baik2 saja.Tutup bngkus aku dgn darah kudusMU.Sembuhkan aku.Make evrtg normal.Aku serahkan smua ke dlm tanganMU.
Makasih Tuhan.I love u,Jesus.