25.09.09 i hate 'liang teh'(cooling tea)>,<
it's 23:20.i just bathed.
i was busy for the whole day.*bluff.
woke up at 09:45am this morning.
a weird breakfast.
I drank pure honey.Mum said that it's a good supplement for my body.*i've been consuming kinds of vitamin and nutritious foods recently*
i also had porridge with salted-ikan bilis.Slurrpp...
Lunch:porridge+ikan bilis.*the same menu=)
I had a funny experience today.
At around 2:30pm,i went out with Robin to look for cooling tea-'Liang te'.
He has a sore throat and seemed quite sick.
I promised him to drink the Liang Te with him if he also drank.
So we went to 'Toko Obat Sentosa' and bought 3 bags of liang te(2 bitter,1 sweet).
Went to Robin's house.
Feya was watching the 'Boys Before Flowers'.
And you know what,i had a hard times trying to force myself to drink the Liang te.

It was super duper hyper bitter!Dammit!
I spent about a hour to finish it.
That was a very bitter experience for me!
The worst thing was,Robin finished up the sweet Liang Te and left me with the bitter one.T.T
Back Here!
Sri texted me and said that she'd go to Nh first to meet Chika.
Around 4pm,feya,robin and I,hailed a cab and went to NH.
We first went to Gadeno.
Well,window-shopping again.Looked all around.
Frankly speaking,i'm getting sick of NH,i've been there for umpteen times this month.
We then went to Godiva for lunch.
Ordered a double set lunch.
I also ate something new today.
A kind of japanese food,something like omelette and fishball.
I think it's called Tomu...yaki and Oki...ki.
japanese crab-balls!
*can't never rmb japanese well.sigh.Anyway,the stall is located beside Yogen Crepes in NH.
The japanese omelette tastes superb!Oishi ne!
The toppings are mayonnaise,black sauce and spinach.
You should try it!There're many different tastes.Original,crab,chicken,prawn,oyster.
A severe unhappy thing took place just now.
A friend of mine was kinda pulling a long black face when we were having good times.
Can't really understand women's minds sometimes,eventhough am a woman myself.We joked and laughed,while she kept mum.When we asked her what's wrong,she only answered :'nothing.I'm fine'.
Gosh.Women are the weirdest creatures.
Hard to understand,hard to be satisfied.
I'm a woman myself.Hoping that i'm not that kind of 'woman'!
Then,around 6.30pm,we hailed a cab and went to church.
It's POD time.
The session was brought by Kak James.
Talked about how to realise our destiny which God has set for us.
Another 5 sessions tomorrow.*wondering if i will doze off during the talk tomorrow.
Went to Astro for supper with Feya,Robin,Octra and his family.
I ordered a plate of kwetiauw.*yummy.
Mum beeped me when i was eating.*scary*
luckily,she didn't nag at me when i was home,considering those 'valid' reasons that i gave her;))
Another new friend texted me today.Got to know him from facebook,nver met before.
I asked him to go for tomorrow's night party in La Cruise and he offered to fetch me up.
Well.Still thinking whether i should say Yes.But...It's our 1st meeting anyway,probably will say No.You'll never know what'll happen next.Better be more cautious.;)
a chinese proverb:"bu pa yi wan,zhe pa wan yi".Haha.*bad han yu pin ying.
My aunt gave me a big angpao today.*rich!
She always has many reasons to give me money.
Feel bad to take her money everytime.T.T
Anyway,thank you Auntie:))God bless you abundantly.
A long hard day is waiting for me tomorrow.Gotta rush to the church before
08:00am for the POD (can say hello to Mr.Sun) and La Cruise party in the night;)
and tomorrow,it's Robin's lunar-birthday!
Too bad,can't celebrate it with you cos you'll be going back to your hometown!
Haha.Wish you lucks,buddy!
Good night readers.
Sweet dreams=)
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