20.09.09-Meet New friends.HOME ALONE PART I
I woke up at 6.30am this morning.Gotta rush to the church for the 7.30 am service.The first thing i did was praying and after that,i rang Robin to wake him up cos he would be my driver.
Breakfast today:2 boiled eggs*sick of it*.
7.05am,he came.Before going to the church,we went to Penuin for a breakfast.We ordered 2 plates of chicken rice.
looks yummy!

About 7.50,we set off to the church.Although we were late,but still could make it for the SPK GRADUATION CEREMONY.
It ended at 9.30am.
We were thinking of going to Mcdonald for the spicy Chicken Burger but it was closed,so we both went home.
Eating instant noodles+fishball.Cooked by Chef Jcy.=)

it tasted quite good.*praising myself*
At about 1pm,we went to the church again,for the Youth service.
At 3pm,the service ended.We had a short briefing,then we went to BCS.
My main purpose there was to meet a girl named Chrisna.My friend has been having a crush on this girl.But when we were about to arrive in BCS,they were about to leave for NH.*Sigh.But i still dropped off in BCS for a short 5 minutes to go to the loo for pee-pee.*lol.
Then we went to NH.
The first new friend i met there was Octra-a pointed-nose guy who is about 1.8m tall.I was really amazed by his nose,very pointed up.
Then i met the others.They were all Robin's churchmates in Tanjung Pinang.
There were Chrisna-a beautiful smoothed-skin teen(19),Debora,Agustina,and Elen(boy).
We went for a window shopping.
Then about 4.55pm,we went to Solaria for a meal.Yummy...
We met K'fitri and K'Eni there.
This time,i ordered a big plate of Fried Bihun.Slurrpp,,,
after the meal,we went home.
It was about 6pm.
Back home,the first thing to do was laying on the bed.I was really beat.
After waking up,i took a bath.
Today's 20.09.09.
But nothing special happened at 20:09pm.*sigh.But...Oops...Yeah!
My cousin,Chandra, brought me a good news.
He told me that he planned to confess his love to a girl named Vera today at 20:09.
He has been carrying a crush on this girl for about a month or two.And on this special 20.09.09,he booked a table in Hotel Pelangi(tanjung pinang) and prepared a romantic candlelight dinner.Wow...He made it!
The first message that he texted me:"Congratulations,,Finally,you have a sis-in-law."
Wow.Great.Awesome.Bing!Finally...Nice Bro.Love You Bro.Hahaha.I was really happy for him.
Enough about that.
At about 21.15,Feya texted me. I asked him when he will come to Batam.And we chatted about Chrisna=)
At about 22.15,Robin came to borrow my bible for Elen(cos he didn't bring it).And you know what,he brought me a Spicy Chicken Burger.Another Go!Yummy.
While eating,i told him about the preparation to ESC(Excellent Servant Camp).*sigh.
Quite disappointed that i can't join this camp.Eventhough i signed up for it,but i wasn't chosen.
well.Home alone tonight and tomorrow's night.Sigh....
Nothing to do.
Btw,i read a facebook status update just now.And i was totally fed up by it.How could a person say that he/she has never been happy for their whole lifetime?
Gosh!Didn't they aware that they're much more blessed that a lot of people out there who couldn't have a nice meal or wearing nice clothes like they do!Fed up!
Feel like blowing up!
Well.That's all.
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