♥Live Life Lively♥
Monday, August 30, 2010
Notice something amiss from my blog?
YES! i've removed my Cbox-Chatbox.
so if you guys wanna leave any message, just write it as a comment under my post.
I have no choice but to remove it. i got so furious when one of my friend wrote something unimportant about me under my own name.
well,this is my blog.I'M FREE TO WRITE ANYTHING I WANT.
If you' aren't happy with what i've written, feel free to tell me or maybe just put your complaints on YOUR OWN BLOG. just don't mess up here!!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
i'm sorry
i bet some of you are expecting me to update my blog...but...
busy+lazy= blog screwed!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, i'll update it real soon with a"many-photos" post.
Shrek-Forever After is in town! can't wait to watch it...i've been expecting it for months and now it's finally in town.
gonna dig out my pocket money and spare out a few hours to watch it.
how am i doing recently?
ok, i am good, but sorry, i'm lying.
mood has been really lousy lately, for some reasons of course.
Friendship, family, school...things got messed up!
a lot of things happened.
but well, hopefully things get better.
pray for me.
stay tune, readers!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
i love seventeen part 1
ok, my bad.
haven't been updating this blog like so damn long.
had my seventeenth birthday celebrated in advance last 14th Aug(my birthday's supposed to be in 16th Aug).
after a long consideration, i chose to have it celebrated at Thrive.
a few days before 14th, i'd booked a room for everyone but the manager called me that Saturday and told me:"WE CAN'T LET YOU HAVE THE ROOM SINCE IT'S THE FASTING MONTH SO ALL KTV ROOM CAN ONLY BE OPENED FOR BUSINESS AFTER 9PM!"oh GODDDD!
that's like a bad news out of the blue.
since i'd told my friends to come at 5 so it's impossible for me to change the time or place in a sudden.
couldn't help it.
that Manager sent me such A BIG GIFT for my birthday.
but still, the party went on.
we couldn't use the room so we'd to share the place with strangers in the 1st floor--"
actually i was fine with that, except for those smell of cigarettes!
told everyone to come at 5 but 85% of them were LATE!
that's not surprising, everyone gets used to Indonesian's rubber-time culture.
just enjoy the pictures!
didn't i look just too young to be 71?

Hanung,Sheila and Nanda

Sweetest couple of the party!
Rizki and Shirley

guess who won the match?

ugly faces in action!

he finished all the foods!

3 sweet pies in ACTION

Adrian and I

Sheila, Kevin and Nanda

Stacy and I

Yasni and I
(i've known her for more than a decade)

Elvina,I and Yasni

Jolly,I and Santo

Budi and I

BTC and I

Wirren and I

(she was the one who helped me with the cake cutting since i sucked at things like this)

First cut by ME

17 wishes

yey! i'm officially seventeen!

another ugly faces pose

My birthday cake

Joen and Jane

Justi and I
(his face looked just STUPID)


our camera-man,Dwiki

"Kiss My Muscle" pose

oops...pne-hand bodyguard?

Monday, August 2, 2010
it's Monday, flag ceremony as usual.and i was late, that's not surprising.
just got to the line when Jane told me a bad news.
Bu Rima, my Matematika teacher,has resigned.
LAUGHED and said:"Oh, i love this school so much."
not because i'm happy that she's moving, in fact i'm feeling totally depressed.
and this time, it's my Matematika teacher.
How are we going to pass the National Exam in this state?
No Fisika and Kimia teacher and now...NO MATEMATIKA TEACHER!
help me.
we're going to die sooner or later.
come on, it's but the second day of August yet this bad news comes and attacks me like a big hurricane out of a sudden.
how am i going to take this big blow?
it's August, it's supposed to be the best month of all for me.
what a disappointment!
and another bad news is that, Pak Ivan, my homeroom teacher, might be the one who's going to replace Bu Rima.
My reaction: HELL NO!
it's better to have no teacher rather than having someone to teach us subject which's not his specialty. i won't agree to it.
i promise that i will stop him, no matter what happen.
what's the different of randomly pick just Tom or Dick in the street to be our teacher with asking him to be our teacher?
i tell you, IT'S BUT THE SAME!
I'm frustrated.i will explode if things carry on like this.
Can someone tell me what should i do?
Except for the Writing class, i did nothing but facing my laptop all day long.
no teacher, no class.
is this a school?
this is my 12th year and also my last year,yet things like this happen.