Moshi-moshi...(i heard this in my class this afternoon)how's my school?Well...So far so good.School's pretty great without those tests,revisions,homeworks thingy.
All i have to do : pack my bag,off to school,sit down and have a fun talk with friends!
I love to lay on my table and take a short nap while hearing Dwiki and Justi playing any love songs.
i've been missing lotsa people recently.
@Joen: can't wait to see you soon!Come back faster,sweetie!
@Lina:haha.I miss that hug in BCS.Gosh~will you come back on this CNY?
@Adeline:how have you been?We didn't meet for quite a few months,huh.
" 'Cos tonight gonna be a good,good night!"
i was reading Girlfriend when Justi suddenly approached me and asked:are you that sort of girl who gets jealous easily?
I answered:"yes,i do get jealous pretty easily."
i asked him back:"how bout you?"
he answered:"i'm not."
then i asked Dwiki the same question and he answered:"neither am i."
after hearing their answer,i was like thinking that boys heart are made of stone,huh?
But then,i remembered my friend's boyfie,then i totally changed my mind.
*aiyoi.Boys eat more vinegar that girls do.*(Mandarin translation is recommended for this sentence.)
*actually they answered in Indonesian,the conversation above has undergone English translation*haha!
then this silly question somehow brought up another question:"Is it good if you've a partner who gets jealous pretty easily?"
#1.Yes,as it shows that he/she loves you much.
#2.No.Getting jealous over a small matter can be quite irritating.
What's your view,peeps?
My answer:
No,it's not good.'cos even God says NO to jealousy.
I guess,if you love someone,you'll trust him/her totally.What's the point of getting jealous then?It's sorta stupid.
disease of the day: SORE THROAT
it's awful!
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