He's a buddy from God!
It's 02:00am in the morning.I wonder why i can't get to sleep.I told him that i would get to sleep after i had done with those blog-readings!But oops...I'm still awake.He's my Mr.Alarm,who always tells me to sleep earlier,yet he always sleeps later than me!*huff!
Talking of him,who's he?
I bet you guys will think that he's my boyfriend!But you're wrong!
He's my best buddy ever!Ok.My bestie as well!

Amazing,huh?Mostly,when a boy meets a girl,they'll end up being a couple.But,the two of us has shown the world that a boy and a girl can also become each other's buddy!
It's been such a long,long time that i didn't have a real friend to share everything about life!*or perhaps,i never had?*
but,things are different now!
Let's start our friendship journey!
Sept 4th,08.
That was the very first time when we knew each other on Friendster.He added me,and we went on contacting each other.Mostly,we shared about each other's daily life,church thingy,etc.He's the same church like me,only different area.He's from Tanjung Pinang.
Make it snap.
He came to Batam,to continue his study in UIB.
We met for the very first time in TOP 100.We agreed to meet up and went to the church!*i still remember how i disgraced myself!Very malu!*!!!Haha.He was waiting for me in front of Bank Niaga,yet i just couldn't see him.He kept waving,and i kept blurring out there!
Ok.Then then.The story goes on.
We get closer to each other,cos we've many things to share.Mostly,it's about love-thingy.
He told me many things about his ex-es.While i told him all my past experiences with different suitors,as i only have 1 ex,so,what to share?XD
There're many hilarious stories.
I even ended up becoming his tuition teacher!*i'm very hebat,right?:pp*
he always said that i'm ES,which stands for English Second!Gosh.I taught you for free,what more could you ask?Haha!
Truthfully speaking,there're too much stories shared between us.
One thing that i know is,God has sent him in the right time.Finally,i have a great friend who's there to hear my complaints,joys,sadness,etc!
We made a pact to keep on supporting each other,build a friendship like no one does!
Eventhough,8 out 10 people will say these words when they meet the both of us:'Jes,dia cowok kmu ya?'or'Bin,dia pcar kmu ya?'or'Kalian pacaran ya?'
we will ask why did they think so and they'll answer:'hbisnya kalian cocok.'
what a lame answer is that!
Sick of answering:'No'
sick of being paired up.Haha.But anyway,we've get used to it.We've learnt how to take things in stride,how to turn deaf ears,how to ignore what other people say!
We're buddy,that's all!
We have made an agreement.
"whoever ends up falling in love with the other one,is the loser.And the loser has to treat the winner to a big feast!!!"so,if one of us really has 'tink tink' with the other,all he/she has to do is to treat the other a big feast!Seafood!Then the other will know what that means!
No one wants to pocket out a large sum of money,so, 0% of love between us.
You can say that it's ridiculous,but it's our way of building a friendship.
A friend of mine ever asked:'how could it be,no love-thingy between you two?It's impossible.You both are so close.'
????Why not?
Man proposes,God disposes.Only God knows what to do with our life!
Of course,we did encounter bad events before.But,God has taught us how to be better on every probs that we faced.
He's a fun guy.He jokes a lot.But he can be very fierce with words.
His words are somehow hurting,but it's 100% useful.
Without his words,i will probably remain unchanged with those bad habits!
Lotsa Thanks!
Haha...Good luck buddy!I'll keep on praying for you.Play hard!Grab your dream!
still,hold onto your commitments to God!
Pray for me too!:D
to be continued.....
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