Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday!A new start,fellas!

Rawr!I'm back after being absent for 2 days!
*can't bear to leave this blog vacant for too long.

Yesterday was a lonely Sunday for me.I was alone for almost a day.
I lunched,shopped and dined alone.*pathetic me :'((

btw,i get addicted to shopping recently.
I bought a new bangle and an 'eyeliner' yesterday.
I mistook the eyebrow pencil for the eyeliner,so,it's such a waste!*am going to save for a new one!
Many things to buy.New bag,new shoes,eyeliner,woolen hat,calculator,dictionaryand of course,NEW CLOTHES!(since Christmas's coming in 2 months).Gotta set my eyes on those boutiques,and flip up more magazines to catch up with the latest fashions!*yey.I'm becoming more woman!
And and and...Am thinking of buying high-heels instead of flat shoes...Uhm.Is that a good idea,as i've never wore high heels before?But...Once i get into the shop,my eyes are on those high heels which look really appealing!
Saw a bag yesterday,it costs Rp.160.000!Whooaa...I got the money, going to look for the best one.*can't be to thrifty.

back here.
Went to BCS after i got back from the church.
Then went to Permata Baloi to eat the Es GununG!Yey.How i miss it so much!:)*thanks buddy for keeping your words and bring me there:)*
*forget to take the pics.

so.It's Monday.And...It's always started with teacher's preaching.*sick.
PKN TEST today!I could do the test quite well,praying for the best result.*grin:)!

Planning to lose weight,but...Still can't resist the foods temptations!
HELP!Gotta lose weight!School skirt's getting tighter!

Kimia test tomorrow!I haven't opened up the books yet.It has become a nightmare for me!:'s

God.Help me.

Gotta study now.
Goodnight readers!
Hugs :x


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